Thursday, June 30, 2011


Dream #51: Where am I? A hotel room? Or maybe my old apartment? Anyway, it's a mess. It's time to pack and clean up. I'm sorting through a pile of laundry when a mouse suddenly jumps into my hand and gives me a sharp bite!

I felt pain in the dream. Something is gnawing at me.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Dream #50: Following a trail head near the shoreline. I'm pushing an empty shopping cart. A path to my right leads me to the water's edge, where I can go no further. I lug the cart backwards to a second path. I come to some docks overlooking the ocean. From here I can make out the shadowy shape of killer whales below the surface. I ponder them with a sense of equanimity.

subconscious, yin and yang
, power.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Dream #49 Navigating a big city on foot. There is a lot of construction and the only way to get across town is to take a long, plastic tunnel that users must crawl through on their hands and knees. It looks crowded, cramped, and hot inside. A fellow onlooker tells me that it takes about 45 minutes to reach the other side.

There's no way I'm going in there.

Self-preservation, power/control issues, tedium