Sunday, February 27, 2011


source: by whitscraft

Dream #41: I wandered into a cluttered shop. There was a section with small pets for sale. All were kept in assorted tanks and bowls. I gazed into a glass jar containing colorful betta fish.

confinement, volatility, insight

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stand by Me

source: by Ewan-M

source: by ir0ny

Dream #40: It was the night before the Last Day on Earth. My husband and I were trying to decide how to spend our final hours together. Why not take a trip to the museum?

We were eerily at peace!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


"Covered with the flowers,
Instantly I'd like to die
In this dream of ours."


Injured Animus

source: by Paxsimius

Dream #39: I came across a pitiful apelike creature. Though his legs were chained, he balanced on a small unicycle and performed tricks. He must have escaped from some cruel circus nearby.

I am not proud of my over the top behavior of late.