Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Valleys of Dream

source: by caballosblancos

"Ah, the strange, sweet lonely delight
Of the Valleys of Dream."

-William Sharp (pseudonym Fiona McLeod)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ice Animals

Dream #13: I'm with my family. We are driving to a restaurant in the mountains.
The cold and snow are a welcome respite from summer's heat. Along the way we stop to see an art installation. Someone has carved many magnificent animals out of ice.

See: ice sculptures, deer, bear. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Box of Bees

source: by Angela Wyatt

source: by Todd Huffman

Dream #12: A friend has asked me to watch over their bees. They are kept in a large wooden filing cabinet, reminiscent of an old card catalog. I pull out some of the drawers to check. Only a handful remain. I wonder if the colony is suffering from CCD. I hope my friend will understand that there was nothing I could do.

Responsibility, productivity, professional development. (Sometimes my goals seem so out of reach.)

Monday, August 16, 2010


source: by h.koppdelaney

"The dreamer can know no truth, not even about his dream, except by awakening out of it." -George Santayana

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cup of Moonlight

Dream #11: I came upon an old train car. It was mostly red with a dark interior. There were people gathered inside. They were sitting at tables and chairs.

A wise man invited me to sit across from him. He offered me a cup.

The cup was oddly intricate with carvings and a lid. It was not unlike a prayer wheel. He gestured that I take a drink.

When I removed the top to take a sip, a flame appeared in place of water. A plume of blue fire flickered in the cup in my hands. I could not drink and set it down again in amazement.

The onlookers applauded as if they had just witnessed a magic trick.

Themes: Magic, healing, thirst for spiritual truths. Perhaps I'm not quite ready?