Thursday, July 29, 2010


source: by Anniekster

Dream #10: An old friend laughed and said to me, "You've always wanted to be like a yogini, standing on her head!"


Monday, July 26, 2010

A Chair for My Child?

Dream #9: I'm outside of the old public library.
People have gathered to listen to a speech. The library has finally raised enough money to remodel and has decided to give away the old furnishings. Each visitor is allowed to take a chair for themselves and/or a chair for their child. They encourage us to use the chairs for reading at home.

People are quickly grabbing the best chairs. I'm worried I will get stuck with a metal folding chair. Luckily, I am able to find a nicer one.

For a moment I consider whether or not to take a second chair.

I hope to have a child one day. It would be a dream come true to sit and read with him or her. :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Spirit Kites

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know
what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend,
a new love, a new country." -Anaïs Nin

Friday, July 16, 2010

Risk v. Security

Every so often I dream that I'm locking a door. In these scenarios I am invariably locking myself inside. There is no one on the outside. Just recently I had a vivid dream (#8) in which I locked and chained the door of my apartment.

According to Klaus Vollmar, "This is the image of inner, psychic tension between openness and retreat (isolation), between risk and security."

I think that the very act of blogging about my dreams evoked this one. Is it safe to bare my psyche?

Monday, July 12, 2010


"Dreams are... illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." -Marsha Norman

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


source: by Duncan Rawlinson

Dream #7: I looked out my apartment window and saw a bald eagle. How extraordinary to see something so wild in this urban neighborhood. It must be far from home. Perhaps it has been displaced. A mix of slight fear and reassurance overcomes me as I gaze upon its sharp beak and talons.

Themes: freedom, strength, survival

"...In Wildness is the preservation of the world." -Henry David Thoreau