Thursday, December 30, 2010


source: by Hajj Flemings

Dream #35: My eyeglasses snapped in half.

Sometimes I have weird dreams about my contact lenses too.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Road Trip

Dream #34: Driving down a country road. I'm with a few of my girlfriends. The sun is shining and our windows are rolled down. "Time passes unhindered."

Longing for summer...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lost in Saṃsāra, II

Dream #32 cont.: Heavy snow. We're in the old family van and our mother is driving. It's getting dark now and the road is packed with snow and ice.

It's late. We'll never make it to our destination. We look for a safe place to park.

I felt a deep sadness upon waking from this dream. I think our mom had hoped to carry us further than she was able. The snow seems to be a metaphor for the intermediary stage between heaven and earth.

"This continual ache of the heart is a blessing that when fully accepted can be shared with all." -Pema Chödrön

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lost in Saṃsāra, I

Dream #32: I'm downtown. A storm is rolling in. It suddenly begins to hail. Chunks of ice are bouncing off of cars in the street. I'm being pelted. I run for cover in a nearby shop. I'm soaked. There is slush in my hair.

Where are my sisters? I hope they're not stuck out in the downpour.

worry, sadness, retreat.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Dream #31: I'm in a bustling city. I feel only mild concern that I've lost sight of the group I was with. I take an unusual, open-air elevator several floors up. It feels like I am levitating.

source: by Chris Lynch

Perspective, uncertainty, career

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Old Failures

source: by

"Last night, as I was sleeping,
I dreamt -- marvelous error!—
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures."

- Antonio Machado

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gi Wang Medicine

source: by nemo_434

Dream #30: A healer advises me to take elephant fetus tea!

Initially I found this rather shocking, but upon reflection I think it has to do with mental strength, clear vision, and protection.

See Dream #11 for another auspicious "drink."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


"Não sou nada.
Nunca serei nada.
Não posso querer ser nada.
À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo."
— Fernando Pessoa

I am nothing
I shall never be anything
I cannot wish to be anything.
Aside from that, I hold within me
all the dreams of the world.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Dream #29: I'm sitting on a wooden ledge high up in the mountains. The view is striking. I feel exhilarated and yet paralyzed.

source: by gambass

I can't bear the thought of slipping.


Monday, November 22, 2010


Dream #28: There's a raucous party in my building. Untrustworthy strangers are wandering about. I'm upset. I've just been in an argument. I prod at a loose tooth with my tongue.

I realize that several teeth are loose and beginning to fall out. I can feel (and hear) molars crumbling in the back of my mouth! I retreat to the bathroom, broken teeth in palm, to look up the phone number of a good dentist.

source: by JenniferGentle

See: An interpretation by D. Aisling Ireland. Also, Dream #6.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pleasure Principle

Dream #27: Visiting friends at a little cottage. I'm enjoying a piece of cake with frosting.

source: by hector.bruce

I walk barefoot through soft, uncut grass. I lie down and close my eyes. The sun feels warm on my back.


Thursday, November 18, 2010


source: by Lauren Treece

"The soul in sleep gives proof of its divine nature."

Monday, November 15, 2010


source: by kendralea

Dream #26: Somehow my eyeshadow palette got smashed and the pigments inside were all loose and broken. I decided to put them to new use as watercolor paints.

Right now I feel neither beautiful nor artistic, but I think it will pass.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Infinite Bliss

Dream #25: Somewhere in Italy. I take a bus to the coast. Great orange rocks tower above.

I wade out into the sea. Sunlight glistens off of the waves. The water is so cool. I am weightless. My spirit is free.

This is my favorite type of dream to have. When I was young I often dreamed about flying. For some reason dreams about swimming have since taken their place.

Friday, November 5, 2010


source: by jennifer helen

Dream #24: I had a terrible sunburn. My face and neck were scarlet!

It was a relief to wake up and realize that this wasn't so. Here is an interesting interpretation.

Friday, October 29, 2010


source: by lomobarba

Dream #23: There was an unusual place one could go to practice being dead. For a modest fee this sanctuary of sorts allowed you to lie still for a couple of hours undisturbed, while the world outside passed unhindered.

Surrender, transformation. A desire to cast off that which is no longer useful.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hold Fast

source: by Ray Jacobs

"In your heart, keep one still, secret spot where dreams may go..."
-Louise Driscoll

Monday, October 25, 2010

Proverbs 15:19

source: by Eric Lafforgue

source: by MasaKarasu

Dream #22: Peaceful gardens. I'm visiting a wise elder. He tells me that I'm unwell. As we talk, I follow him down a dirt path. I'm barefoot and my feet get pricked by several thorns.

"Oh sweet bitterness, I will soothe and heal you. I will bring you roses. I too have been covered with thorns." -Rumi

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wing and Prayer

source: by Philipp Geist

Dream #21: My husband and I are in a foreign country. We come to a sacred site where visitors can make wishes by sending paper birds into a deep chasm via string.

In silence we pray and release our little birds into the space.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cherry Dreaming

source: by Vyte

"Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy."
-Sigmund Freud

Friday, October 15, 2010

Auguries of Innocence

Dream #20: I'm standing atop a flight of stairs overlooking the ocean. Friends are swimming in the waves below. They motion for me to join them, but I just shake my head and smile.

I take a walk into the woods. It's so peaceful. My mind and heart are utterly still. Sunlight beams through tall trees.

I feel so light. I am someone else? Who am I?

I wander into a clearing. Someone has been cutting back the forest to make room for suburban housing. It seems like such a shame.

Childhood memories, Subconscious exploration, Paradox

Do you ever dream that you are someone else?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clown Family

source: by InBugsDrawers

#19: I dreamed that my family wanted me to go as a clown with them for Halloween. I didn't want to.

Playing the fool / I think I need to lighten up.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


source: by Mike Ambach

source: by Eleni

Dream #18: Halcyon weather. I'm with my sisters. We're exploring an abandoned building. It's dark and there's debris everywhere. Loose brick, dirt, broken glass. Outside the leaves seem to shimmer on the trees. A suggests that this would be a good place to take pictures sometime. I feel slightly wary. I think a lot of homeless take refuge here at night.

Fear. Loss. Underworld.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Aham Brahmasmi

source: by Life As Art
(photographic documentation of an original work by Redd Walitzki)

Dream #17: I am making a paper doll chain. It's a self portrait cut from folded tissue paper. I finish and carefully separate the layers. The result is lovely against the light. Each doll is in a slightly different position. How did I achieve this ornate result from such a seemingly simple pattern?

Who am I? I am not my body. I am not my mind. I am not my experiences. These are only layers that can be stripped away.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Messenger

Dream #16: It was a cool morning. I left for work, but soon realized I had forgotten something. On my way back inside, I decided to check the mail.

When I lifted the lid of the mailbox, a hummingbird flew out and then landed in my hand!

I have had strange encounters with hummingbirds in waking life and take this dream to have personal significance.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


source: by livingferal

"May your dreams defy the laws of gravity."
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Curtain Call

Dream #15: I'm in an art museum. My mother is there and she's playing the guitar and singing. A small crowd has gathered around her. Her song is so pretty. It ends and everyone applauds.

My mother passed away in 2003. Although she was not a musician, she spread joy to anyone who stopped to listen. I miss her and am always glad to see her in dreams.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nascent Hopes

Dream #14: It's early morning. There's a knock at my door. I get out of bed and peer warily through the peephole. Someone has left me an odd parcel complete with a light bulb and straw bedding. Inside of it a baby chick nests sweetly, waiting to be let in. I don't remember ordering it. I recall that hatchlings can survive for 72 hours on the nourishment their egg provides and decide to go back to bed. I can figure out what to do with it later.

Strata of meaning:
-I would like to raise chickens but as a renter, do not have the setup.
-I need to prepare for an imminent interview, but am afraid of getting my hopes up.
-My biological clock is ticking

Did you catch the "peephole" pun?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Valleys of Dream

source: by caballosblancos

"Ah, the strange, sweet lonely delight
Of the Valleys of Dream."

-William Sharp (pseudonym Fiona McLeod)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ice Animals

Dream #13: I'm with my family. We are driving to a restaurant in the mountains.
The cold and snow are a welcome respite from summer's heat. Along the way we stop to see an art installation. Someone has carved many magnificent animals out of ice.

See: ice sculptures, deer, bear. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Box of Bees

source: by Angela Wyatt

source: by Todd Huffman

Dream #12: A friend has asked me to watch over their bees. They are kept in a large wooden filing cabinet, reminiscent of an old card catalog. I pull out some of the drawers to check. Only a handful remain. I wonder if the colony is suffering from CCD. I hope my friend will understand that there was nothing I could do.

Responsibility, productivity, professional development. (Sometimes my goals seem so out of reach.)

Monday, August 16, 2010


source: by h.koppdelaney

"The dreamer can know no truth, not even about his dream, except by awakening out of it." -George Santayana

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cup of Moonlight

Dream #11: I came upon an old train car. It was mostly red with a dark interior. There were people gathered inside. They were sitting at tables and chairs.

A wise man invited me to sit across from him. He offered me a cup.

The cup was oddly intricate with carvings and a lid. It was not unlike a prayer wheel. He gestured that I take a drink.

When I removed the top to take a sip, a flame appeared in place of water. A plume of blue fire flickered in the cup in my hands. I could not drink and set it down again in amazement.

The onlookers applauded as if they had just witnessed a magic trick.

Themes: Magic, healing, thirst for spiritual truths. Perhaps I'm not quite ready?

Thursday, July 29, 2010


source: by Anniekster

Dream #10: An old friend laughed and said to me, "You've always wanted to be like a yogini, standing on her head!"


Monday, July 26, 2010

A Chair for My Child?

Dream #9: I'm outside of the old public library.
People have gathered to listen to a speech. The library has finally raised enough money to remodel and has decided to give away the old furnishings. Each visitor is allowed to take a chair for themselves and/or a chair for their child. They encourage us to use the chairs for reading at home.

People are quickly grabbing the best chairs. I'm worried I will get stuck with a metal folding chair. Luckily, I am able to find a nicer one.

For a moment I consider whether or not to take a second chair.

I hope to have a child one day. It would be a dream come true to sit and read with him or her. :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Spirit Kites

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know
what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend,
a new love, a new country." -Anaïs Nin

Friday, July 16, 2010

Risk v. Security

Every so often I dream that I'm locking a door. In these scenarios I am invariably locking myself inside. There is no one on the outside. Just recently I had a vivid dream (#8) in which I locked and chained the door of my apartment.

According to Klaus Vollmar, "This is the image of inner, psychic tension between openness and retreat (isolation), between risk and security."

I think that the very act of blogging about my dreams evoked this one. Is it safe to bare my psyche?